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The first condition to be fulfilled in order to buy products from your authentication is Traditionalart.ro This account shall include the date your identification and address will be used for product delivery and sending the invoice . Traditionalart.ro respect the confidentiality of such data. They will not take possession of a third party.

If you already have an account and have lost your password , everything in this box you will be able to recover by pressing Password Recovery .

In the catalog product , present in the left side , find the categories of items that you can buy. Each product is accompanied by some details (weight, size , material, etc) so you can get an idea of his .

Further, click " Add to Cart" and in the menu that opens you exactly how to proceed Referred to checkout .

Stages purchase :

Description of products Cart Sign - Delivery Address - Terms of delivery Payment - Payment : Bank Transfer or Cash ( Cash on delivery )