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Cash on delivery

Goods are paid directly to the delivery.

Online payment using the card

Online payment system is developed by Credit Europe Bank and involves making card payments in a secure environment. Online payments made on our website receive security protocol 3D Secure ( Verified by Visa and MasterCard Secure Code ) . 3D Secure is a new global approach to authentication of buyers and sellers in secure transactions on the Internet. This safety measure involves redirecting the user when payment on a secure page where each cardholder registration is done by assigning an authorization code for each online transaction .
Cards are accepted for payment issued under VISA (Classic and electronic ) and MasterCard (including Maestro, if you have code CVV/CV2 ) .

In order to complete the transaction in the best conditions will need to provide :
Name of cardholder
Code card ( the 4 groups of numbers mentioned on the card front , no spaces )
Card expires
CVV Code ( last three digits on the back of the card printed on the signature strip )
Transactions will be made in LEI , regardless of your card , the conditions agreed upon with your card issuing bank transaction on our website , do not charge any additional fee .
Card data processing is done exclusively on servers Credit Europe Bank. Our website does not request or store any of your card details .

CardAvantaj Payment ( Please insert cards CardAvantaj image )
Card advantage

Now you can pay online on our website and through CardAvantaj in installments without interest .

CardAvantaj issued under MasterCard or Visa credit card is first used in lei with both national and international offers the possibility of shopping in installments , while also receiving bonus for each transaction made . For more details about CardAvantaj and to apply for a card please visit www.cardavantaj.ro

Using X CardAvantaj benefit from free installments !

For online payment , select " CardAvantaj " in the order and payment desired X free installments or in full. Online payments are processed directly by the issuing bank , Bank CreditEurope . To qualify for free installments , selection will be made in the example below.

Pay by Credit Europe Bank

How can you get CardAvantaj ?
- You can go to any branch of Credit Europe Bank.
- Apply online at www.cardavantaj.ro the " Apply Now "
- Call 0801.000.000 CEBLine calling numbers (from Romtelecom fixed network ) or 0750.000.000 (from any network) and seeks an CardAvantaj .

To support non -stop about CardAvantaj cards , call:
CEBLine : 0801.000.000 ( number dialed from Romtelecom fixed network ) or 0750.000.000


According to Law no . 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data , as amended and the Law. 506/2004 concerning the processing of personal data and privacy in the electronic communications sector our site administered by SC TRADITIONAL ART BUCOVINA Ltd, is required to manage safely and only for specified purposes , personal data that we you provide about yourself, a family member or another person . Purpose of data collection is use for the billing of products ordered.

You are required ( a) to provide data, which are needed to create the invoice for products ordered . Your refusal results in the cancellation order.

The recorded information is to be used by the operator for the delivery of products and communicated only by you .

According to Law no . 677/2001, have the right to access and modify the data, the right not to be subject to individual decisions and the right to appeal to justice . However , you may object to the processing of your personal data and request deletion . If some of your data is incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible . To exercise these rights , you may submit a written, dated and signed by the Complaints Department at e- mail vanzari@traditionalart.ro . We also recognize the right to appeal to justice .